How to Study Effectively During The Pandemic?
Today every corner of the world is affected by the deadly virus. Governments of various nations have announced strict lockdown. Each and every type of offline activity, ranging from economic to social, has been shut down!
Everything is ONLINE, so is EDUCATION!
Currently, except for COVID-positive patients, it is hard to find a positive vibe anywhere around the globe. Everyone is so depressed right now!
People are dying due to health issues and some aren’t even able to earn their livelihood.
Then one must be wondering why schools are conducting online classes?
How can students concentrate on their studies during the pandemic? Everybody understands that keeping your focus solely on your studies is a tough row to hoe. But still, we just can’t stop teaching. Education is fundamental to growth and for that matter, students need to study effectively during the pandemic. They just need to do one thing, try to accept the current situation and be positive even when they are surrounded by negativity. Things may feel out-of-control right now. They may be facing a lot of unknowns disruptions, but they should try to be patient with themselves, and their families. Students should take care of their well-being first. Making themselves feel special is very important now. They can give small treats, not to others but to themselves. Making a plan and adjusting their study plans may help them feel even a little sense of control. They should try and learn to admire things.
While studying in such a situation they need to be as strong as a warrior. Some small habits can help them in these tough times. They just need to remember one thing that in these tough times, they shouldn’t be wasting their precious time, which they could have spent on studying, over negative things. They need to treat negative news as their enemies. They need to ask their friends and family to neither read nor listen to any bad news. They need to inculcate some new habits for themselves like choosing one corner in their house which they feel is their own place and try to sit there while studying. One must try to incorporate such lively practices like Yoga as it keeps a person healthy, focused, and positive. Planning is important and keeping that in mind, they should try to make targets, even though small, but they must achieve them with full dedication. They shouldn’t be distracted by any such random news spreading all over the internet. They should be focused while studying and keep themselves detached from the outside world for that particular duration. For a start, they can move their phone some distance away so it’s not instantly available and use it as a treat when they have achieved a particular task rather than as a constant companion. They should try to sit with their families and have positive chit-chats, play various games and do what actually makes them happy. It will help them to stay positive in these times and will eventually help them to be focused while studying.
In the nutshell, one should study this way that while sitting for their exams once this pandemic gets over, they should not feel that they could have studied well or they could have performed better.